Winter Weekly Schedule
Enjoy our winter weekly activities during your stay! Go by the Rec Hall to sign up to volunteer and/or participate! All SEAWIND residents are welcome!
8:00 am Pilates in Rec Hall
8:30 am Walk Aerobics in Rec Hall
9:00 am Wood Shop Projects
9:15 am Line Dance in Rec Hall
10:00 am Walking Club
10:00 am Pickle Ball
1:00 pm Music Session
1:00 pm Wood & bark
1:45 pm 2500 Cards in Rec Hall
3:00 pm Beginner Line Dancing
6:30 pm Poker in the game room
6:30 pm Evening Games in Rec Hall
6:30 pm Hand & foot
8:00 am Yoga in Rec Hall
8:30 am Walk Aerobics in Rec Hall
9:00 am Wood Shop Projects
9:15 am Line Dancing
10:00 am Walking Club
10:00 am Pickleball
1:00 pm Shuffleboard
1: 45 pm 2500 Cards in Rec Hall
2:00 pm Wood Shop
4:00 pm Church Choir
6:30 pm Poker in the game room
6:30 pm Game Night
6:30 pm hand & foot
7:00 pm Dance Class in Rec Hall
8:00 pm Dance Club in Rec Hall
8:00 am Pilates in Rec Hall
8:35 am Walk Aerobics in Rec Hall
9:00 am Wood Shop Projects
9:15 am Line Dancing
10:15 am Strong Women
1:00 pm Music Session
1:00 pm Arts & Crafts Class
1:45 pm 2500 Cards in Rec Hall
2:00 pm Wood Shop
4:00 pm Social Hour and
5:00 pm Fire Ring
6:30 pm Karaoke in Rec Hall
6:30 pm Game Night
6:30 pm Mahjong
8:00 am Stretch&Strengthen in Rec Hall
9:00 am Coffee Social Rec Hall
9:00 am Golf
9:00 am Wood Shop Projects
10:15 am Strong Women
11:30 am New Line Dances
1:00 pm Seawind Threads
1:00 pm Gun Club Crossing Quail
1:45 pm 2500 Cards in Rec Hall
3:00 pm Pickleball
5:30 pm Potluck in Rec Hall (Sign up
prior in Rec Hall)
6:30 pm Game Night
7:00 pm Texas Hold'em
8:00 am Stretch and Strengthen
9:00 am Golf
9:00 am Coffee & Donut Social
10:00 am Quilters in Rec Hall
10:00 pm Creative writing
1:00 pm Mahjong
1:00 pm Gun Club - Shooter's Choice
1: 45 pm 2500 Cards in Rec Hall
3:00 pm Pickleball
7:00 pm BINGO in Rec Hall & 50/50
9:00 am Texas Breakfast in Rec Hall
******$5.00 per plate (Sign Up Prior)
9:00 am Wood Shop Projects
10:00 am Genealogy
1:00 pm Gun Club -- Country Doubles
1:00 pm Open Studio
1:45 pm 2500 Cards in Rec Hall
6:30 pm Poker in the game room
6:30 pm Game Night
6:30 pm Hand & Foot
9:00 am Non-denominational church service
1:00 am Bean Bags
1:00 pm Gun Club (Singles)
1:45 pm 2500 Cards in Rec Hall
6:00 pm Ice Cream Social ($1.00/3 scoops)
6:30 pm Game Night
6:30 pm Mahjong
6:30 pm Jam Session
Jo Shilts, Winter Activities Director
Jo has been the Winter Texan since 2021. Now she's stepped it up to now to direct our winter activities. She is doing everything possible to make your winter stay fun and active. If you have questions about any activity, or if you want to recommend a new activity, reach out to her via Facebook!